Invited and key-note presentations

  1. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. South Africa’s Great Train Robbery (GTR): The tough endeavour to get it back. Presentation delivered at an Exporters Western Cape (EWC) Event – A “business time” Transnet discussion. 26 November, Cape Town.

  2. HAVENGA, J.H. 2024. The Fundamentals of Railway Reform. Presentation at the Regional Railway Corridor Planning and Operation (RRC) course. 18-20 November, Kuwait.

  3. HAVENGA, J.H. 2024. Case Study on Railway Reforms. Presentation at the Regional Railway Corridor Planning and Operation (RRC) course. 18-20 November, Kuwait.

  4. SIMPSON, Z.P. 2024. Estimating the freight demand for Regional Rail Corridors. Presentation at the Regional Railway Corridor Planning and Operation (RRC) course. 18-20 November, Kuwait.

  5. SIMPSON, Z.P. 2024. Case Study on estimating the freight demand for Regional Rail Corridors (Examples from Asia and Africa). Presentation at the Regional Railway Corridor Planning and Operation (RRC) course. 18-20 November, Kuwait.

  6. NEETHLING, H. 2024. Breaking Barriers in the Adoption of the RTMS. Presentation delivered for the Road Freight Association interest group – RTQS Programme (ISO 39001 / SANS 1395). 14 November.
  7. NEETHLING, H. 2024. The adoption of RTMS in South Africa’s road freight transport sector. Presentation delivered at the Responsible Road Freight Workshop. 22 October, Cape Town.
  8. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. South Africa’s Great Train Robbery (GTR): The tough endeavour to get it back. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum. 10 October.

  9. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. The Future of South Africa’s agricultural supply chains. Presentation delivered at the Hortgro Technical Symposium 2024. 3 June.

  10. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. South African Shippers’ demand for efficient logistics services: The role of government. Presentation delivered at the Road Freight Association (RFA) Convention. 22-26 May, Hermanus.

  11. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. South Africa’s inland port imperative. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum. 23 May.

  12. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & NEETHLING, H.  2024. Rail network statement response. Presentation delivered at the Interim Rail Economic Regulatory Capacity (IRERC) information gathering session. 21 May, Cape Town.

  13. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2023. The South African Shipper’s demand for efficient logistics services. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum. 5 December.
  14. DE RUITER, E., HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN DER MERWE, J. 2023. Rail policy. Presentation delivered at the 46th Professional Body for Supply Chain Management (SAPICS) Spring Conference. 20 September, Johannesburg.
  15. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S., NEETHLING, H. & GERTENBACH, S. 2023. South Africa’s rail revival: A further call to action. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum. 14 September.
  16. HAVENGA, J.H. 2023. Transnet and the Future: Risk and Reward. Presentation delivered at the ABSA Breakfast Event 1. 4 August.
  17. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2023. The status of rail in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the Value Logistics Seminar. 22 June 2023.
  18. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2023. Transport connectivity in BRICS. Presentation delivered for St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF’23). 15 June 2023, St Peterburg.
  19. HAVENGA, J.H. 2023. An Evidenced based approach to road freight sustainability: The case for South Africa and South Sudan. Presentation delivered at the International Seminar on Sustainable Road Freight Transport For Economic and Social Development. 31 May – 2 June, Arusha.
  20. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2023. Presentation delivered for the Bureau for Economic Research Institute of Stellenbosch University. 4 May, Stellenbosch. PDF download
  21. NEETHLING, H. 2023. Road freight sector self-regulation – An assessment of factors influencing the adoption of the RTMS in the Western Cape province. Presentation delivered at the Promoting Best Practices and Driving Standards, Standard Bank Conference. 15 March, Cape Town.
  22. HAVENGA, J.H. & SIMPSON, Z.P. 2022. The Future of Heavy Haul. Presentation delivered at the South African Heavy Haul Association (SAHHA) Conference. 2-4 August, Johannesburg. PDF download
  23. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. Transport and logistics aspects of new Rail Policy. Presentation delivered at the 40th Southern African Transport Conference. 4 July, Pretoria. PDF download
  24. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. What are some of the key lessons learned in other projects in other countries for consideration in the case of ARCCLA’s PPPs model for logistics platforms? Presentation delivered at the European Union-United Nations Conference on Trade and Development joint programme Train for Trade II Hybrid Workshop on PPPs models for logistics platforms development in the context of the Lobito Corridor in Angola. 14 June, Luanda. PDF download
  25. SIMPSON, Z. 2022. Evidence based Macrologistics for Emerging Economies - a Disaggregated Freight Flow Approach. Presentation delivered at the SRF. 14 April. PDF download
  26. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. Logistics Data Collection and Application in the developing world: Case studies. Presentation delivered at the SRF. 14 April. PDF download
  27. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. Modal Split and South African Freight Trends. 7 April, Transport Forum. PDF download
  28. HAVENGA, J.H., DE BOD, A., SIMPSON, Z., SWARTS, S. & WITTHÖFT, I.E. 2021. Road-to-rail strategy. 23 September, Transport Forum. PDF download
  29. HAVENGA, J.H. 2020. World Food Programme SU Webinar on SA Logistics Market. 6 August.
  30. HAVENGA, J.H, SIMPSON, Z.P. & SWARTS, S. 2020. Transport Decarbonisation in Times of Unprecedented Global Crisis Railways. Presentation delivered at the International Transport Forum. 7-30 July, Argentina.
  31. HAVENGA, J.H. 2019. Mongolia’s Participation in the Euro-Asian Economic Corridor Conference. 3 December, Ulaanbaatar.
  32. HAVENGA, J.H. 2018. Evidence based policy and macro-logistics strategies – Global Experience and relevance for China. Presentation delivered at the Efficient Logistics and Green Freight Transport Workshop. 17-18 June, Beijing.
  33. HAVENGA, J.H. 2018. The future of rail – drivers and bottlenecks. Presentation delivered at the International Energy Agency and International Union of Railways’ Global Rail and Energy Workshop. 24 September, Paris.
  34. HAVENGA, J.H., TERBLANCHE, L., SIMPSON, Z.P. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L. 2018. South Africa’s road freight decarbonisation experiences. Presentation delivered at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Expert Workshop on Road Freight Decarbonisation. 28-29 June, Paris. 
  35. HAVENGA, J.H. 2018. International Experience with Policy Making in Logistics. Presentation delivered at the Global Logistics Summit. 5 April, New Delhi. 
  36. HAVENGA, J.H. 2018. Macrologistics. Guest lecture delivered at the Hanken School of Economics. 18 June, Helsinki.
  37. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L. 2017. Sustainable freight transport initiatives and developments. Presentation delivered at the Fourth International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport of the Department of Engineering. 30 November, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
  38. HAVENGA, J.H. 2017. The role of macrologistics in industrial development: Infrastructure and policy. Presentation delivered at the 6th CSIR Biannual Conference. 5-6 October, Pretoria.
  39. HAVENGA, J.H. & SIMPSON Z.P. 2017. Logistics Data Collection and Modeling. Presentation delivered at Workshop on Logistics Cost Assessment and Performance Evaluation of the World Bank and Ministry of Transport of China. 20 September, Beijing.
  40. HAVENGA, J.H. 2016. Creating new market spaces for rail: South Africa’s Domestic Intermodal Case Study. Presentation delivered at the Future of Railways in Intermodal Logistics Conference. 7-10 November, Vienna.
  41. HAVENGA, J.H & SIMPSON, Z.P. 2016. Freight Demand Model for India. Presentation delivered at the Workshop on Multimodal Logistics and Port-hinterland connectivity of the World Bank. 17 August, New Delhi.
  42. HAVENGA, J.H. 2014. The future of transport, ports and logistics. Presentation delivered at the 5th Maputo Port Conference. 14 April, Maputo.
  43. HAVENGA, J.H. 2012. Fact-based Policymaking on Trade Facilitation and Logistics - Taking Stock of Policymaking Experiences. Presentation delivered at the World Bank Headquarters. 25 June, Washington, D.C. 



Peer-reviewed academic conference presentations

  1. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., NEETHLING, H., DE BOD, A. & SWARTS, S. 2024. Using Macrologistics Cost Modelling to Guide Rail Reform: the case for South Africa’s Network Rationalisation. Presentation delivered at the 28th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2024). 4-6 September, Dublin.

  2. ARITUA, B., HAVENGA, J., SIMPSON, Z,. SWARTS, S., NEETHLING, J., DE BOD, A. 2024. Pathway to Integrated Surface Transport and Logistics Regulation in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 3rd Florence Rail Regulation Conference. 8 July, Florence.

  3. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., NEETHLING, H., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & ARITUA, B. 2023. Inserting freight railways into value chains in Southern Africa. Presentation delivered at the 27th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2023). 6-8 September, Edinburgh.

  4. GERTENBACH, S., ARITUA, B. & HAVENGA, J. 2023. Supply Chain Resilience in Africa. Presentation delivered at the 27th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2023). 9-12 July, Enschede.

  5. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., NEETHLING, H., DE BOD, A. & SWARTS, S. 2023. The Macrologistics Effect of a Transport State-Owned Enterprise on an Emerging Economy: The case for South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 27th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2023). 9-12 July, Enschede.

  6. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., NEETHLING, H., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & ARITUA, B. 2023. Mapping macrologistics value chains in Southern Africa. Presentation delivered at the 27th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2023). 9-12 July, Enschede.

  7. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., NEETHLING, H., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2023. Utilising freight demand modelling as an integrated evidence base to improve container logistics supply chains: The case of the Port of Cape Town. Presentation delivered at the 27th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2023). 9-12 July, Enschede.

  8. HAVENGA, J.H. & SIMPSON, Z.P. 2022. Informing macrologistics connectivity in emerging economies through a triangulated research approach: The case of Uzbekistan. Presentation delivered at the 26th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2022). 10-13 July, Cork.

  9. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., SWARTS, S. & ARITUA, B. 2022. Value chain analysis for infrastructure investment planning: The case of the Mongolian livestock value chain. Presentation delivered at the 26th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2022). 10-13 July, Cork.

  10. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., SWARTS, S. & DE BOD, A. 2022. Macrologistics supply chains in South Africa: The case for measurement. Presentation delivered at the 26th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2022). 10-13 July, Cork.

  11. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., SWARTS, S. & DE BOD, A. 2022. Prioritising macrologistics interventions: The case for Mongolian infrastructure investments. Presentation delivered at the 26th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2022). 10-13 July, Cork.

  12. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & WITTHÖFT, I.E. 2019. Logistics and The Future: From Dematerialisation To Degrowth. Presentation delivered at the 24th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2019). 14-17 July, Würzburg.

  13. ARITUA, B., HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & WITTHÖFT, I.E. 2019. Macrologistics instrumentation: Integrated national freight flow and logistics cost measurement. Presentation delivered at the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019). 26-31 May, Mumbai.

  14. ARITUA, B., HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & WITTHÖFT, I.E. 2019. Developing a Disaggregated National Freight Flow Model for India. Presentation delivered at the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019). 26-31 May, Mumbai.

  15. VAN EEDEN, J. & HAVENGA, J.H. 2018. Quay wall container modeling: Determining design requirements to incorporate economic activity. Presentation delivered at the 30th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2018). 14-15 June, Kolding.

  16. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & DE BOD, A. 2018. The Objectives of macrologistics: Instrumentation in a developing country context. Presentation delivered at the 30th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2018). 14-15 June, Kolding.

  17. HAVENGA, J.H., DE BOD, A., SIMPSON, Z.P., SWARTS, S. & VAN DER MERWE, J. 2017. Systemic cost of risk for heavy haul operations in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 22nd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2017). 9-12 July, Ljubljana.

  18. HAVENGA, J.H. 2017. Towards a theory of Macrologistics: Instrumentation and Application. Presentation delivered at the 22nd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2017). 9-12 July, Ljubljana.

  19. HAVENGA, J.H. 2017. The Case for Macrologistics. Presentation delivered at the 22nd Logistics Research Network (LRN 2017). 6-8 September, Southampton.

  20. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & DE BOD, A. 2017. Fifteen years of logistics cost data for South Africa: The value of evidence. Presentation delivered at the 29th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2017). 8-9 June, Lund.

  21. HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2016. An Overview Of Modelling Parameters Used Historically For Port Container Forecasting. Presentation delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network (LRN 2016). 7-9 September, Hull.

  22. HAVENGA, J.H., GOEDHALS-GERBER, L. & POTGIETER, L. 2016. Risk Profile Of Weather And System Related Port Congestion For The Cape Town Container Terminal. Presentation delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network (LRN 2016). 7-9 September, Hull.

  23. SIMPSON, Z.P., HAVENGA, J.H. & ARITUA, B. 2016. Freight flow modelling and macro logistics - customising the Southern African model for application in India. Presentation delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2016). 7-9 September, Hull.

  24. HAVENGA, J.H. & SIMPSON, Z.P. 2016. The impact of trade supply chain costs on national logistics costs in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network (LRN 2016). 7-9 September, Hull.

  25. HAVENGA, J.H. & TERBLANCHE, L. 2016. South African road freight decarbonisation. Presentation delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network (LRN 2016). 7-9 September, Hull.

  26. HAVENGA, J.H., LE ROUX, P.P.T. & SIMPSON, Z.P. 2016. Future demand for heavy freight vehicles in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 28th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2016). 9-10 June, Turku.

  27. KING, D.J., SIMPSON, Z.P., HAVENGA, J.H., LANZ, E.J. & SWARTS, S.J. 2016. Freight demand modelling for Southern Africa. Presentation delivered at the 28th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2016). 9-10 June, Turku.

  28. HAVENGA, J.H., DE BOD, A. & SIMPSON, Z. 2015. Multi-modal freight corridor performance measurement system: a high-level design for South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 20th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2015). 9-11 September, Derby.

  29. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2015. The development of a logistics barometer for South Africa – in search of real logistics cost drivers. Presentation delivered at the 20th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2015). 9-11 September, Derby.

  30. HAVENGA, J.H. & SIMPSON, Z. 2015. The unexpected consequences of internalising external freight logistics costs – can’t it reduce total logistics costs?. Presentation delivered at the 20th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2015). 9-11 September, Derby.

  31. HAVENGA, J.H., DE BOD, A., SIMPSON, Z., GOEDHALS-GERBER, L. & FREIBOTH, H. 2015. In search of a complete sustainability framework for logistics. Presentation delivered at the 20th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2015). 9-11 September, Derby.

  32. HAVENGA, J.H., GOEDHALS-GERBER, L.L., FREIBOTH, H., SIMPSON, Z.P. & DE BOD, A. 2015. The decarbonisation of transport logistics: A South African case study. Presentation delivered at the 50th Canadian Transportation Research Forum Conference (CTRF 2015). 24-27 May, Quebec.

  33. HAVENGA, J.H. 2015. A decade of national level logistics costs measurement in South Africa: The case for macro logistics. Presentation delivered at the 50th Canadian Transportation Research Forum Conference (CTRF 2015). 24-27 May, Quebec.

  34. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & VILJOEN, N. 2014. The Impact of the Fuel Price as Exogenous Cost Driver in South African Logistics Costs – Evidence that Demands Action. Presentation delivered at the 19th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2014). 3-5 September, Huddersfield.

  35. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2014. Rail Policy Based on Demand and Socio-Economic Development, Rather than Competition, a Return to Development State Ideals?. Presentation delivered at the 19th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2014). 3-5 September, Huddersfield.

  36. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z., DE BOD, A. 2014. South Africa’s Emerging Rail Policy Environment: From Misguided Liberalisation to Funding Imperatives. Presentation delivered at the 49th Canadian Transportation Research Forum Conference (CTRF 2014). 1-4 June, Ontario.

  37. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2014. Deconstructing Container Forecasting: Commodity-Based Supply Chain Analysis for South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 49th Canadian Transportation Research Forum Conference (CTRF 2014). 1-4 June, Ontario.

  38. HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2013. The Supply Chain Cost Improvement Opportunities of Streamlining Cross Border Operations. Presentation delivered at the 18th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2013). 4-6 September, Birmingham.

  39. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z., DE BOD, A. 2013. Global benchmarking of South Africa’s freight rail system – A macroeconomic view. Presentation delivered at the 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2013). 15-18 July, Rio de Janeiro.

  40. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2013. Container terminal spatial planning - a 2040 paradigm for the Western Cape Province in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2013). 15-18 July, Rio de Janeiro.

  41. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2013. The relevance of commodity flow modelling in freight transport demand forecast. Presentation delivered at the 25th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2013). 3-5 June, Göteborg.

  42. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z. & DE BOD, A. 2013. Logistics costs in South Africa Current results and global trends to inform future measurement. Presentation delivered at the 25th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2013). 3-5 June, Göteborg.

  43. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H., KING, D. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L.L. 2012. Container terminal spatial planning - A 2040 paradigm for the Western Cape Province in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 17th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2012). 5 September, Cranfield.

  44. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H., KING, D., DE BOD, A. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L.L. 2012. Extending freight flow modelling to Sub-Saharan Africa to inform infrastructure investments. Presentation delivered at the 17th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2012). 5 September, Cranfield.

  45. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H., SWARTS, S., KING, D. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L.L. 2012. Calculation of freight externality costs for South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 17th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2012). 5 September, Cranfield.

  46. SIMPSON, Z. & HAVENGA, J.H. 2012. National level logistics cost measurement for South Africa – identification of risk factors. Presentation delivered at the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2017). 10 July, Cape Town.

  47. SIMPSON, Z., SWARTS, S., HAVENGA, J.H. & GOEDHALS-GERBER, L.L. 2012. Towards a full determination of freight transport externality costs – The case for South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2017). 10 July, Cape Town.

  48. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & DE BOD, A. 2012. Freight logistics cost in South Africa – lower relative costs, higher risk. Presentation delivered at the Key Developments in the Port and Maritime Sector Conference. 21-22 May, Antwerp.

  49. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & DE BOD, A. 2012. Long term container forecasting – decoupling gross domestic product and container movements. Presentation delivered at the Key Developments in the Port and Maritime Sector Conference. 21-22 May, Antwerp.

  50. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & FOURIE, P. 2011. A business case for domestic intermodal freight solutions in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 16th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2011). 7-9 September, Southampton.

  51. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & FOURIE, P. 2011. The State of Logistics in South Africa - quantifying total national costs. Presentation delivered at the 14th International Conference on Transport Science: Maritime, Transport and Logistics Science (ICTS 2011). 27 May, Porteroz.

  52. SIMPSON, Z. & HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. Research priorities for sustainable branch line revitalisation in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the 4th Internation Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (NZSSES 2010). 30 November - 3 December, Auckland.

  53. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2010. Logistics Costs in South Africa – from business risk to environmental concern. Presentation delivered at the 15th Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN 2010). 9 September, Leeds.

  54. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2010. The State of Logistics in South Africa – sustainable improvements or continued exposure to risk. Presentation delivered at the 29th South African Transport Conference (SATC 2010). 18 August, Pretoria.

  55. SIMPSON, Z. & HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. The closure of branch railway lines in South Africa: Myopia or opportunities for streamlining. Presentation delivered at the 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2010). 14 July, Lisbon.

  56. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H. & VAN EEDEN, J. 2010. The State of Logistics in South Africa: Infrastructure and the environment – reversing the decline. Presentation delivered at the 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2010). 13 July, Lisbon.

  57. SIMPSON, Z., HAVENGA, J.H., VAN EEDEN, J. & DE JAGER, D. 2009. The state of logistics in South Africa – perspectives from research. Presentation delivered at the 28th South Africa Transport Conference (SATC 2009). 8 July, University of Pretoria, Pretoria.


Other invited presentations

  1. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. Logistics and the future. Presentation delivered at the World Bank’s Resilient Supply Chains and Its Importance to Regional Economies in MENA. October, Virtual.
  2. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., VAN EEDEN, J., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. WC FDM™ Enhancement for Port of Cape Town. Presentation delivered for various stakeholders as part of DEDAT project. June, Cape Town.
  3. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. The collapse of South Africa’s railway: Strategies for survival. Presentation delivered for the DA. 22 April, Cape Town.
  4. HAVENGA, J.H., SIMPSON, Z.P., DE BOD, A., SWARTS, S. & NEETHLING, H. 2022. Modal Split and South African Freight Trends. Presentation delivered for the DoT. April, Cape Town.
  5. HAVENGA, J.H. 2016. Keynote presentation delivered at the National Department of Transport (DoT) Executive Committee Lekgotla
  6. HAVENGA, J.H. 2014. Achievements and opportunities in freight transport modelling. Presentation delivered at a joint session of the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Societies of South Africa, 10 April, Stellenbosch.
  7. HAVENGA, J.H. 2012. The key to long-term sustainable heavy haul growth – New market paradigms. Presentation delivered at the Heavy Haul Rail Africa Conference. 6 November, Cape Town.
  8. HAVENGA, J.H. 2012. The future of fuel. Presentation delivered at the Chevron Fuel Distributor Conference. 7 March, Sun City.
  9. HAVENGA, J.H. 2012. Capecor – the rail solution in perspective. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum Conference. 1 March, Stellenbosch.
  10. HAVENGA, J.H. 2011. Macro Strategic Decisions affecting the Fuel Supply Chain. Presentation delivered at the Future Fuel Distribution Strategies Conference for Southern Africa. 2 November, Kempton Park.
  11. HAVENGA, J.H. 2011. The future of intermodal. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum Conference. 1 September, Stellenbosch.
  12. HAVENGA, J.H. 2011. The future of freight. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum Conference. 3 March, Stellenbosch.
  13. HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. The State of Logistics in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the Supply Chain Council’s Launch Conference. 25 August, Port Elizabeth.
  14. HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. The State of Logistics in South Africa. Presentation delivered at the Road Freight Association’s Annual Conference. 24 August, Wild Coast Sun.
  15. HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. Cost of Logistics and Land Freight Transport Volumes and Costs. Presentation delivered at the Supply Chain Council, 20 May.
  16. HAVENGA, J.H. 2010. Cost effectiveness of corridors – future scenarios. Presentation delivered at the Consumer Goods Council Conference, 17 February.
  17. HAVENGA, J.H. 2009. Cost effectiveness of corridors – a case for change. Presentation delivered at the Transport Forum Conference, 1 October.
  18. HAVENGA, J.H. 2007. Unavailability of consolidated statistics in freight transport movement. Presentation delivered at the 2nd Annual Freight Logistics Conference, the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport.
  19. HAVENGA, J.H. 2007. Investing in a vacuum – the case for research. Presentation delivered at Transport Infrastructure Development.
  20. HAVENGA, J.H. 2004. Supply chain issues in South Africa – you get what you measure. Presentation delivered at Supply Chain World, Southern Africa.
  21. HAVENGA, J.H. 2003. Supply chain issues in South Africa – getting the basics right. Presentation delivered at the Supply Chain Summit.